Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Myth of Average

From Edutech for Teachers:
Tech It Up Tuesday: The Myth of Average
tech it up tuedayIt’s Tuesday again and that means it’s time to roll out another tech-isode in my “Tech It Up Tuesday” series.
This week we’re shaking things up a bit. Instead of sharing an edtech tool, app, site or other resource that can be utilized in the educational setting, we’re highlighting a very inspiring video—one that has the ability to impact your perspective, and consequently, your learning environment.
Check out this TEDx talk featuring Todd Rose, a high school dropout turned Harvard faculty member, who speaks about how a different way of thinking—known as banning the average—can become key in nurturing potential and talent in every single student.

Classroom Connection:
Consider Rose’s theory of revolutionizing learning in your classroom by banning the average and designing to the edges. Even though it’s a bold statement, it has the potential to make the most profound impact on all of your students!

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