Thursday, March 17, 2016

20 YouTube Channel for Educators

20 YouTube Channels for Educators

YouTube has proven to be a go-to place when you want to learn something new. You can find educational videos on how to round numbers, educational experts giving speeches, how to use Google Classroom, and so much more. 

I recently presented YouTube Can Do That?! at the annual TCEA Conference. One of the participants came up to me afterwards to ask where to find good educational channels. That prompted me to create this list of the educational channels I recommend.

Professional Development on Digital Tools 

Focusing on Google for Education tools
  • Google for Education - official channel of Google for Education
  • Google Chrome official YouTube channel for the Chrome browser, OS, Web Store, and Chromebooks
  • The Gooru - great informational resource to learn about Google for Education tools. 
  • Eric Curts - information and tutorials for educational technology resources centered around Google for Education. 

Teaching Strategies
  • Edutopia - highlights the evidence-based teaching strategies, such as project-based learning, STEAM, response to intervention, tech literacy, etc. 
  • Buck Institute for Education - centered around project based learning (PBL). 

Inspirational Videos
  • Ted-Ed - collection of inspiring videos in animation format
  • TedX - videos from TedX talks around the globe
  • Big Think - showcasing videos from educational experts
  • Infinite Thinking - engaging Internet TV show for educators to inspire creativity and innovation

Content Specific
  • Amoeba Sisters - videos focusing on explaining difficult science concepts through animation and humor. 
  • Khan Academy - content based teaching videos
  • Discovery Education - stories and experiences from the world of science, natural history, anthropology, survival, geography, and engineering.
  • National Geographic - videos featuring stories on natural history, wildlife, and so much more
  • SciShowexplores the unexpected of science
  • Mathantics - fun videos centered around math concepts
  • Educator - instructional videos in math & science 

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