Tuesday, March 1, 2016

4 Update to Google Form You're Going to Love

Earlier this week, Google announced a list of new features for Google Forms. Boasting templates that come pre-populated with suggested questions based on your use case and the ability to see who has completed your form and who hasn’t, these new features not only make it easier to create forms, but also provide insight into how your forms are completed.

1) Start From Scratch No Longer

party invite
One of the biggest time saving features in this recent rollout are form templates. There are 20 different templates to choose from that are categorized by education, personal, and work. Templates cut out a lot the work you used to spend building and customizing your Google Form. Included in the Template Library are party invites, customer feedback surveys, and even course evaluations for schools. The templates come loaded with photos, questions, and other data specific to your use case. For example, the party invite template includes questions you might sometimes forget to add, such as dietary restrictions or what side dish each guest is bringing.

2) Go Shopping For Add-Ons for Forms

Add-ons and App Scripts are now available in the new Forms editor. Add-ons are great third party tools you can download to help gather more interesting data or integrate with other applications such as Smartsheet. From the top right corner of your Google Form, select the “…” button in the top right corner and then click “Get add-ons.” This menu pictured above will appear where you can peruse and download many different add-ons.

3) Track Survey Progress and Analyze the Results

How useful would it be to be able to see who’s taken your survey and who hasn’t? Now you can track a participant’s progress on a form. There’s even an option to send a reminder to fill out your form to those who haven’t yet responded. Under the Response tab, you can see a summary of all responses, or drill down into individual responses.

4) Receive Notifications and Status Updates

request response notification

Once you’ve created a form, it is easy to get distracted while you wait for answers to accumulate. Now you can request notification emails to be sent your way each time a participant completes your form. Hello, automation!

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