Monday, March 21, 2016

16 Edtech Tools to Check for Student Understanding

From Edutech for Teachers:
assessmentAs previously mentioned, I had the awesome app-ortunity to attend the PETE&C (Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference) in Hershey earlier this week. Although I participated in some really useful sessions, one entitled The Edtech Game Show was the sweetest of them all. And trust me, with the lineup of offerings and individuals from across the state presenting, that’s saying something!

So here it is: Edtech superstars Brandon Lutz and Scott Snyder joined their creative minds and humor to highlight 16 formative asessment tools in a game show format. And the result? Not your grandfather’s PD session! It was fun, engaging, fast-paced and most of all, very informative. Oh, and did I mention that their delivery method was an excellent demo of how formative assessment tools can be utilized to gather student data that drives instruction? (In this case, the audience’s feedback was used to move the presentation forward.) Check out the Smore flyer shown below for more details regarding this session.

In addition to the Smore resource, you can also check out the interactive image I generated as a quick snapshot of the tools Brandon andScott shared with participants. Just be sure to hover over the graphic to reveal the hot spots!

Click here to access a full screen version of this interactive image.

Classroom Connection:

The formative assessment process provides information needed to adjust teaching and learning while both are still happening. Use the strategies tools mentioned on the Smore flyer or ThingLink image to collect evidence of student learning so you can make informed decisions about future instruction.

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