Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 39: Video Production with Students - Helpful Tips and Resources

If you missed last nights #gafechat on Using Google Tools to Produce videos, then I highly recommend you read the archives. There were so many amazing tweets and ideas being shared. Here are some takeaways from the discussion.

Benefit of Students Producing Videos

What to Consider When Producing Videos:

Examples of Videos Students Can Create & Possible Tools Needed 
  • Screen Capture for Tutorials/Demonstrate Understanding 
  • Stop Motion (example)
    • Stop motion camera
    • Google Slides and screen capture 
  • Argument Videos (thanks @MrSchoenbart for the example
    • Camera (mobile device, webcam, video camera, etc.)
    • Green screen app or green sheet
    • Editing software/website
  • Silent Films (thanks @Mizgibson for the examples)
    • Camera (mobile device, webcam, video camera, etc.)
    • GIF creator (Snagit)
  • Informational/Talk Show (thanks @Flems_English for the example
    • Camera (mobile device, webcam, video camera, etc.)
    • Editing software/website

Stages of Video Production & Helpful Resources 
Here are some of the stages that students will need to go through to produce a video. Depending on the type of video determines whether or not they need to complete each stage. 

The brainstorming part if crucial for students to be able to determine what type of film to produce. Tools students can use to brainstorm:

Students work on the writing process when creating a script. Pre-writing, drafts, revisions and collaboration are a huge portion of writing a script. Tools students can use to write a script:

Here is where students demonstrate their learning. You will be amazed at how engaged and focused a student can be when trying to capture the right shots. Tools students can use to film:

This requires students to think through a process from start to finish. Tools students can use to edit:

Students need to know that their work matters. It is also a great way for the students to gain feedback and then reflect on how they can improve for the next video. Ways students can share their work:
  • Social Network: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube
  • Use videos in place marks in maps (thanks @alicebarr)
  • Create QR codes to place around the school
  • Upload into Google Drive and share link with parents, teachers, students, etc.

Here are a couple additional resources teachers can use with students to help through the production process:

    From Kelly Fitzgerald the EdTech Nut

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