Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Google Forms Notes from the GAFE Summit

Session 3: 1:30-2:30

“May the Forms Be With You!” - Going from Padawan to Jedi Master in Google Forms

Adding images

  1. Click on the Add Item drop down menu

  1. Click  on image

  1. Add an image By URL, Click Select.

  1. Resize your image by using the blue squares.

  1. Choose the alignment of your picture.

  1. Click Done

Adding Videos
  1. Click on the Add Item drop down menu

  1. Click  on video.

  1. Do a Video Search,

  1. Click Select.

  1. Resize your video by using the blue squares.

  1. Choose the alignment of your video.

  1. Click Done

Adding themes
-Click the “Change Theme” button at the top of the form
-Use customize button under a chosen theme
-Theme images - Change image

-already created templates to help you get started
-Template gallery (file/new/from template)
-Look under “Forms” and “Students & Teachers”

Data Validation
-Look under advances setting on Text, Paragraph Text, Checkboxes, or Grid questions
- Checks for Numbers, Text, or Regular Expressions
-Checkbox validation can check for at least, at most, or exactly a number of responses
-Grid validation allows for one response per column

Sample Use:  The Amazing Race
Scavenger Hunt

Page Branching
-Use multiple choice or list based questions to direct respondents to specific pages based on their responses
-”Go to page based on answer” option
-to created new pages, select “Page break” under the add item menu.  You must create pages for each branch you want to create.
-Under the question, you can select which page to route to based on the answer selected.


Form Ranger

Form Limiter
Video Walkthrough:

Form Notifications

g(Math) for Forms


Video Walkthrough:

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