Thursday, April 9, 2015

Should I Post A Selfie: A Guide For Students and Teachers

the selfie phenomenon
OK, so who can’t identify with the modern social media craze known as the selfie? Yep, taking self-indulgent pictures has become so popular that the term selfie was even officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary last year.  These types of photos seem harmless enough, right? After all, what’s wrong with sharing a little love of one’s self?
Well, before you (or your students) jump on the latest bandwagon and potentially expose yourself to approximately 2.4 trillion Internet users, think about this: Just because you can snap a selfie, does it mean you should? Check out the infographic shown below for some advice.
Classroom Connection:
Share this flowchart with students to encourage them to think before they snap and click!
A shout-out to for creating and sharing this very useful and relevant infographic!

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