Tuesday, September 20, 2016

How to Find Openly Licensed Educational Resources (OER) Infographic

This post from EduTech for Teachers combines two of my favorite things:  Open Educational Resources (OER) and Infographics! Tim Arnold

open educational resourcesIf you need some equitable access to education for all learners, then this edu-good info is actually for you! It focuses on some tech-knowledge-y that all educators who create multimedia projects and/or who conduct research with their students could surely use.
So here it is: When you need the answers to life’s burning questions or more along the educational lines, such as information for a presentation or report, you and your students most likely default to one of the most robust resources that currently exists: The Internet, or more specifically, Google. Because of the continuous evolution of mobile technology, it’s simple to use, fast and in most cases, accurate.
And here’s the part where the infamous “but” word enters the equation…
Yep, there’s no doubt that we have a wealth resources at our fingertips; however, the real question becomes: Is snagging this stuff for our own purposes legal? What constitutes fair usage of various form of media?
Open Educational Resources (OER) to the rescue. By taking a look at the infographic shown below, teachers and students can become more aware of how to locate images, documents and videos that can be edited, remixed and shared without copyright restrictions. Check. It. Out!
Props to the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learningfor creating and sharing this helpful visual.
Classroom Connection:
Use the infographic as a how-to guide to search for openly licensed educational resources that can be used in conjunction with digital projects and presentations. Having this knowledge should help to avoid having the copyright police banging at your door!

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