Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Figuring out how the Pieces Fit ... - Home - What is the Environment for Learning?
What kind of learning can happen in an “open space”?
I found the comparison of home and learning spaces to be quite compelling. While I would never advocate that we treat schools like home in their entirety, I do think there is a lot of value in seeing just how much comfort and care we can build into our learning spaces.
“Open spaces create more opportunities” is a wonderful way of looking at our classrooms and our learning commons. But, I think the converse is something we must grapple with too. “Closed spaces” are holding us back. The more walls we put up or stuff we pack into a space, the less room there is for learning and creation to happen. Let’s build these mini learning commons. Let’s make them as open as possible.
From Ben Wilkoff at Learning is Change. 

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