Friday, September 2, 2016

Google Classroom: Posting A Daily Warm-Up from Alice Keeler

Daily Warm Up Classroom and Forms
If you give a daily warm-up, you can use Google Classroom to facilitate the administration. Create a generic Google Form. Link to the live Form view in the “About” tab of Google Classroom. Have students use the same form every day to fill out the “5 a day.”

Create a Google Form

Go to Google Drive and create a Google Form for your daily warm up. In order to re-use the Google Form every day make the questions generic. Ask for the answer to Question #1, Question #2, etc…  Use “Paragraph text” for the response options. If you want to share the warm-up form with multiple teachers, create a question type of choose from a list to allow the student to choose their teacher.
View sample warm up Google Form: 
If you would like to make a copy of the above Google Form warm-up template click here to view the edit screen. Use the File menu to make a copy.

About Tab

Since you will use the same Google Form for the daily warm-up, you can place the link to the Form in the “About” tab of Google Classroom. The About tab allows you to display course information and also to attach resources that will perpetuate all school year. For example attach the syllabus, link to a Google Hangout for office hours, and link to the daily warm-up.
About tab in google classroom
Click on “Add materials…” to add the link to the Google Form. After creating a Google Form, simply click on the Google Drive icon when creating the About page materials.
Title the material “Daily Warm-Up Link.”
Daily Warm Up Link
Daily, the students will click on the “About” tab to access the Warm-Up. This allows you to not have to repost the link to the Google Form every day.

Display the Questions

Since the Google Form is generic, you will need to display the questions in another location besides the Google Form. You can write the questions on the white board. You can place the questions under the document camera. You can write the questions into a Google Doc and attach them in an announcement or assignment in the Google Classroom stream. One tip is to create a Google Doc that you daily update, attach the Google Doc to the same Warm-Up materials post on the About tab. Change the Google Doc, updates are automatically reflected in Google Classroom.
Students will reference the posted questions and answer in the Google Form.

Answer First

Since the Google Form is generic and collects different answers each day there is no easy way to look at the spreadsheet of responses and know what the question was.
Every day before the students answer the warm up, fill out the Google Form with the Questions. This will place the questions into the spreadsheet just above the student responses for that day. In the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields type in “Monday” and “Questions” to identify the row with the questions for the day.
answer key for google forms
If you would like. Fill out the Google Form again with the Answers. This gives you answer key right in the spreadsheet of responses. In the “First Name” and “Last Name” fields type in “Answer” and “Key.”

Happy Grading

Instead of collecting stacks of papers every morning all student answers go into a single spreadsheet. Every day the students answers to the warm-up go into the same spreadsheet. You can sort the spreadsheet by the students name to see a pattern of their work. Since students respond in a Google Form, you can view their responses as they hit submit. This allows you to be more responsive to adjust your instruction based on student answers.

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