Monday, August 1, 2016

Food for Thought!

From George Couros: The Principal of Change
“This doesn’t fit within our infrastructure.”
Have you ever heard that from your IT department? This is a longer way of saying “no”.
Yet in our world today, with shifts happening faster than we can keep up with, this seems to be a response that is no longer acceptable.
If we deem this learning as crucial for our students, the “won’t work for infrastructure” comment does not help us move forward. It is a dead end.
The best IT leaders provide options, not obstacles.  Sometimes it will cost you more money, more time, and an adjustment in our thinking and the way we do “business”, but it can always be done.  Again, it is our thinking that will help us move forward, not the technology.
As I always say, somebody, somewhere, is doing the same thing you say you can’t do; they are just finding a way.

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