Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Periodic Table of Educational Technology

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It’s Tuesday again and that means it’s time to roll out another tech-isode in my “Tech It Up Tuesday” series in which I will share an edtech tool, app, site or other resource that can be utilized in the educational setting.

So, let’s kick this thing off with a question: What do you get when you combine the traditional periodic table concept with some of the best edtech resources on the market?

Answer: The Periodic Table of Education Technology which visually presents some of the most widely accepted edtech resources in the industry—118 tools in seven categories to be exact.

Check out this super cool and very useful graphic compiled by the Daily Genius shown below.
Periodic Table of Education Technology (Full Size, Interactive Version)

Need a PDF version of this image? Snag your very own copy right here. Or better yet—check out a pretty awesome interactive PDF version created by edtech guru Kathy Schrock here.

Classroom Connection:

Use The Periodic Table of Education Technology as a quick reference guide to locate tools and devices that can be utilized in the classroom and/or to find various edtech conferences that can be attended for professional development purposes.

According to the Daily Genius, The Periodic Table of Education Technology will be updated on a regular basis so be sure to check out the changes here.

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