Monday, February 8, 2016

1st Annual Felix Awards

We can’t give an Oscar – but we can give a Felix!
For this contest/classroom assignment students were asked to create a political ad (tis the season) to sway Americans whether or not to annex the Philippines after the Spanish-American War (1898).  Ten political ads were created by the class using iMovie, Stupeflix, or WeVideo and judged by a rubric that included: 1) Use of Emotion, 2) Persuasion, 3) Truth, and 4) Style.
Students viewed and rated each video based on the rubric, results were tallied, and a top three announced.  Those groups included:
3rd Place:  Mason Bledsoe, Isaiah Neal
2nd Place:  Regan McKee, Jacqueline Habzansky, Madeline Henley
1st Place:  Kory Beeson, Keeton Adams, Cody Wilson

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Wilson, Beeson, and Adams.
    The music was intense, the captions persuasive, and the pictures emotional.
    Mr. Childs
