Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Creating and Editing Slideshows in YouTube

Creating & Editing Slideshows in YouTube

Many people don't know that you can easily create a custom slideshow in YouTube, with text, transitions, music, filters, and so much more. 

I recently introduced this to a couple teachers at the middle school I work at part time and they already have some of their students using it to create a PSA. While the students were able to create the slideshows easily, without my assistance of the assistance of the teacher, they ran into an issue when it was the end of class. When you create a slideshow there was no way to save and come back later. You have to create the slideshow video or you lose all of your work. This is where I had to intervene and show them how they could use the video editor to come back next class period and continue editing their work. 

If you have never created a slideshow before, here is the video for you: 

If you have created a slideshow, but want to know how to edit it after it has already been created, here is the video for you: 

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