Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Quick Rubrics

tech it up tueday

From EduTech for Teachers:

It’s Tuesday and that means it’s time to roll out my first tech-isode of “Tech It Up Tuesday” in 2016. Yep, it’s back! The weekly series in which I will share an edtech tool, app, site or other resource that can be utilized in the educational setting.

So, just about this time last year I shared a post regarding the benefits of utilizing rubrics in the classroom. (Check out Do You Rubic? here.) Within this article I included a list of some of really cool and useful digital tools that can assist educators in the development of rubrics. Many of these resources offer pre-made templates and examples that can be tweaked to suit your academic needs.

One of these tech super stars to get the job done is Quick Rubrics, a super simple site that provides users with a space to create, edit, copy, save, share and print rubrics from their favorite web browser.

Brought to you by creators of Storyboard That and Photos for Class, this free web-based application has an intuitive interface that allows teachers to completely customize criterion-referenced rubrics for performance-based assessments such as oral presentations, essays, research papers and/or multimedia projects with ease.

Check out an example of a rubric that was generated utilizing Quick Rubrics:

Classroom Connection:

Basically, rubrics can make the life of an educator simpler. Rather than adding an arbitrary grade to an assignment, rubrics streamline the scoring process by eliminating the guess work that is sometimes associated with determining the quality of project based assessments. In other words, these valuable and worthwhile tools make evaluating student work efficient, consistent, objective and quick.

Rubrics are also beneficial for students as they provide them with a clear understanding of what is expected as well as concrete directions regarding what makes a good science project, a good persuasive writing piece, etc.

Be sure to visit Quick Rubrics to get started on your first (or next) digital scoring guide!

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