Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Faster Feedback in Google Classroom

open side by side
From Alice Keeler at Teacher Tech:
My mantra is “Feedback Faster.” The faster we can provide students feedback, the more impact it has on their learning. What I love about Google Classroom is that I have access to student work before they start working on it. I am able to give students comments and feedback before the due date. The same comment given after the assignment is completed does not have the same impact as if it is given before.

Chrome Extension

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I commissioned a Chrome extension to open links side by side. My original application was for making feedback faster in Google Classroom. Currently, I click on student work in Google Classroom, and the work opens in a new tab. I switch to that tab, assess work, close the student document, and go back to Google Classroom and leave a private comment. Viewing student work side by side with the Google Classroom assignment page increases feedback efficiency.

Right Click

After installing the Chrome extension you can right click on any link to reveal the option to “Open Side by Side.” This takes your current window and resizes it to the left half of the screen. The destination URL opens on the right half of the screen.


Students can use this Chrome extension to open the Google Classroom resources, links and their work in a side by side window.

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