Monday, January 18, 2016

7 Hacks for Google Classroom

7 hacks for Google Classroom
From Alice Keeler at Teacher Tech:
I love using Google Classroom. It solves the sharing permissions problem when using Google Docs and makes it so easy for me to find all student work in one convenient place in Google Drive. When I have a specific wish for Google Classroom I use Google Apps Script to create a custom solution.

Keep a Roster

Many of my scripts require that you have a roster of your students and their email addresses. I suggest you keep a Google spreadsheet with this information as a template you can copy and paste from. In any Google Classroom assignment, from the assignment grading screen, click on the settings wheel to “Download these grades as CSV.” This gives you a list of student names and email addresses. (The “all grades” option does not include email addresses). Upload the CSV file to Google Drive and right click to open in Google Sheets. Save this as a template to reference frequently!
Download these grades as CSV

1. RosterTab

Create a spreadsheet that assigns each student a tab.

2. DiscussionTab

Create a spreadsheet to facilitate a classroom discussion.

3. PDF My Folder

Create a PDF of each students submission to Google Classroom. Helpful if you need to print student work.

4. Grade the Folder

My favorite!! Providing high-quality feedback to students takes some time. Use this script to facilitate the process.

5. Group Maker

Easily assign students to groups and post them to Google Classroom.

6. Group Document Maker

Assign a Google Doc template to each group.

7. List Docs

Create a list of all of the documents submitted to a Google Classroom class. If documents have been returned, sort by student to see what they have turned in.

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