Monday, February 23, 2015

Transform Quotes into Visual Masterpieces for Learning

From Edutech for Teachers:

The use of quotes and/or images to motivate and inspire students is not a new concept. I personally incorporate both on a regular basis and can honestly say that this strategy is one of my most favorite ways to begin the class.

Of course, if you conduct a search for tools that can achieve this outcome, you will locate more than enough options. However, after several hours of experimenting, I found ReciteThis to be the perfect tool for teachers who are looking for a quick and easy yet powerful way to create their own quote images and/or who want their students to do the same.

If you need further justification for integrating tools like ReciteThis into your lessons, then use the visual literacy rationale. Why? Because we live in a world in which our students are constantly bombarded with images; thus, it is essential for them to have the skills to recognize, interpret and understand the context of these signs, pictures, graphics and/or symbols in order to make meaning of their environment.

Want to add another layer of technology in connection with quote images? Then consider utilizing Edmodo, an educational microblogging platform that allows students to share and discuss their responses to quote images in a collaborative online environment. Not only is this application engaging and relevant, but students really enjoy completing writing assignments in this manner.


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