Sunday, April 10, 2016

Call Sweden for Free

A Swedish tourism agency has created a single phone number that will connect you to a "random Swede" willing to talk about Sweden in an effort to "gin up" interest in travel to the Scandinavian nation.  I first heard about the number while listening to the radio on the way to school and by lunch time I observed a teacher carrying on a call via cell phone speaker with his class.  So I checked it out the best I could and had a student teacher try it first before introducing it to students during Tiger Time.  Well, it works as advertised and was amazing for students (See below). What a great opportunity for students to use technology to connect with people in another part of the world.  Students asked good questions, and spoke well with their new Swedish counterparts.  This impromptu experience became a powerful example of our shrinking work. Thanks to Mr. Diercks for the toll free number to the program:  301-276-0600.

New York Times Article

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