Monday, December 7, 2015

OpenEd Offers Thousands of Quizzes and Review Materials to Share in Google Classroom

Richard Byrne @ Free Tech 4 Teachers:

OpenEd is a service that has offers a massive catalog of educational videos, games, and practice assessments that you can browse by topic, grade level, or Common Core standard. Today, OpenEd announced an improved integration with Google Classroom.

There are two ways that you can use OpenEd resources with Google Classroom. First, you can share resources from OpenEd to your Google Classroom classes by using the "share to Google Classroom" button within OpenEd resources. Second, you can now import your Google Classroom roster into OpenEd. Importing your roster will allow you to create collections of resources to share with your students instead of just sharing individual items.

Applications for Education
My favorite aspect of OpenEd is its search tool. Rather than searching and hoping to find a video on YouTube that matches the standard(s) you're addressing in a lesson, you can start with the standard and have OpenEd locate videos for you. Likewise, it's easy to find and share games and quizzes that match the topics you're teaching.

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