Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Screencastify Follow-Up

Last week I posted some information on Screencastify, a screen casting app that can be found in the Chrome web store.  Well I tried it - and I love it.

I had two students missing days of class for school related trips and we had an important day of direct instruction that they were going to miss.  I used Screencastify to record portions of a power point lecture and posted it to my class wikipage.  All students were able to access it, some for original notes, and others as review prior to a test.

Overall the reactions from students have been positive.  They liked having access to it while missing class and they like using it to review what we had discussed in class.  Most also reported enjoying the ability to "PAUSE" me and take notes!

Click the link below and you will see me in action, using Screencastify.  I hope it will yield some benefits for you as well.

How To Screencastify

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