4 Advanced Search Operators to Help Find Elusive Google Drive Files

A lot of the value of Google Drive comes from how quickly we can identify and access exactly what we’re looking for. While creating a folder structure can serve as a great foundation to Drive, we’ve found that many people fail to maintain these folders, making search a much more efficient option.
This video covers a few of the best search operators in Google Drive and how you can put them to good use. For example, if you frequently add stars to files in Google Drive, it almost ruins the point of having them! But pairing a keyword search with a specific search operator can help turn up those important files in no time.
The search operators in this video include:
title: – search by the file’s title (group phrases in quotation marks)
owner: – search according to who owns the item (works best with owner:email address)
type: – search by the file type (this covers: document, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, image, video, image_or_video, pdf, and textdoc)
is:starred – search items that you’ve marked with a star