Thursday, October 15, 2015

Instagram in the Classroom

Three Examples of Using Instagram in K-12 Settings

From Free Technology for Teachers
In the past I've written about using Instagram as part of an effort to promote a school event. That post focused mostly on encouraging others to use a hashtag for your event. There are other good ways to use Instagram in K-12 settings. Just a few minutes ago I was reminded of this by looking at one of Stephen Veliz's Instagram posts.

Stephen Veliz is a history teacher that I have followed on Instagram for more than a year. I'm drawn to his account because during the school year he posts some great history questions for his students. The questions are, obviously, connected to a picture. Students can earn extra credit for answering the questions correctly. Below you will see a screenshot of one of Stephen's recent posts for students.
Click image to view full size.
Tim Lauer is an elementary school principal in Oregon who uses Instagram to share pictures and videos highlighting the good things happening in his school. I've always thought that if schools shared the good stories of their schools more often, they'll build better community support and engagement. Tim seems to be doing this. Check out his Instagram account here.

Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District's tech department has an Instagram account that showcases the work they're doing to support teachers and students. I particularly like this post from earlier this fall in which they're encouraging teachers to build websites with Weebly.

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