Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Two Great Resources for Flipping your Classroom

2 Resources for Your Flipped Classroom

Content Banks: The quickest and easiest way to begin flipping your classroom is to use prerecorded videos that someone else has already made. There are plenty of great resources for video lessons out there! These are a couple of our favorites:
  1. Crash Course: This series of videos created by Hank and John Green is published by PBS Digital Studios. Courses such as world history, U.S. history, chemistry, psychology, literature, astronomy, and U.S. government are available online. These engaging videos feature live teachers on screen, animations, photos, and historical documents and have been viewed nearly 150 million times. John and Hank Green offer a compelling, conversational style of instruction where they make jokes, use sarcasm, and treat the viewer like a friend.

  1. Eduvision by FlippedLearning Network: The goal of the FlippedLearning Network is to help teachers learn about and implement successful flipped classrooms. This site offers videos for both teachers and students—videos from The Flipped Learning Conference act as professional development for teachers, while content videos ranging in disciplines from AP Biology to history to AP Calculus are available for use with students. Each of the videos within one subject area are delivered by the same teacher, so, for example, each Chemistry video features the same person on screen, allowing your students to get comfortable with his or her presentation style. While there is some premium content on the site for sale, hundreds of the videos are free.

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